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Free Spanish Language Apps That You'll Actually Use

Which are the best Spanish learning apps that are fun to use? This is what we’ll address today by sharing our curated list of the 15 best Spanish apps.

Free Spanish Apps

Language apps come in many shapes and sizes. This is particularly true for popular languages like Spanish, since there are thousands of ‘best Spanish learning apps’ that exist.

The question is, which are the best Spanish learning apps that are effective and fun to use?

This is what we’ll address today. We’re going to share our curated list of the 15 best Spanish learning apps that exist. Each Spanish app solves different needs in the learning process, including translations, vocabulary, grammar, speaking, and more.

Enjoy, and share with a friend that’s also trying to learn Spanish!

15 Best Spanish Learning Apps That Are Actually Fun to Use

1. Jumpspeak

Useful for: Speaking/immersing in real conversation settings

Jumpspeak was designed to help you skip the fluff, and get speaking confidently on day one. Immerse yourself in real-world conversation settings, get intelligent speech feedback each time you speak, and accelerate your Spanish speaking skills.

2. Tinycards

Useful for: Memorizing new vocabulary words and concepts

Tinycards is a free app created by Duolingo. It contains mini flash cards that you can use to learn just about anything, from the solar system, basic spanish words, human body parts, and more. The ease of use and user experience of the app is why we’ve ranked it one of the best spanish learning apps for beginners.


3. MindSnacks

Useful for: Entertaining yourself while learning basic Spanish

MindSnacks is a fun spanish learning app (and other popular languages) that is a combination of games, challenges, and communities. The bite-sized nature of the game allows anyone to play it on-the-go in their free time. Besides, how can you say no that mustache?

4. Forvo

Useful for: Mastering your pronunciation

Have you ever found yourself blanking out on how to pronounce words in Spanish? Worry no more. Forvo is a free app that directly breaks down how to pronounce any word properly in Spanish, French, English, and many other languages.

5. Overdrive

Useful for: Reading Spanish content online

If you’re a bookworm, then you’ll love Overdrive. It’s an online library database that allows you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and more from your local public library. The best part is, you can borrow books in Spanish to practice your reading skills.

6. Duolingo

Useful for: Learning basic Spanish words and grammar

Duolingo is a language learning app that most people are now familiar with. Spanish is also their most popular language used around the world. It’s a great way to get started in your Spanish learning journey.


7. Fluencia

Useful for: Improving your listening skills

Fluencia is an online Spanish course that claims to bring a more interactive learning experience compared to traditional textbooks. While there’s no real-life interactions, you do get videos that adapt to scenarios you may experience in real-life.

8. Memrise

Useful for: Memorizing new words

Memrise is a no-brainer when it comes to memorizing new words. Given the number of Spanish learners that use the website, they even have templates created for basic Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and more. Check out this Beginner’s section for Memrise.

9. Butterfly Spanish

Useful for: Learning the basics of Spanish with ease

Butterfly Spanish is not a Spanish learning app, but it is nevertheless a very useful channel on Youtube. The host Lorna is an amazing teacher that takes complex, yet relevant topics, and breaks it down for anyone to understand with ease.

10. Spanish Flashcards

Useful for: Quickly memorizing new words

You can never get enough flashcards for learning Spanish. We’ve already mentioned a few flashcards for learning Spanish, but if you want a more simplified, minimal learning experience, this app might do it for you.

11. Busuu

Useful for: Improving your writing skills and basic Spanish

Busuu is another course-based language app that helps you learn a language in 10 minutes a day. The free application contains bite-sized lessons, writing exercises, and corrections from native speakers.

12. HelloTalk

Useful for: Practicing your speaking skills

HelloTalk is an online community and conversation exchange to connect with fellow language learners. You can meet other people trying to learn Spanish or find fluent Spanish speakers that are seeking to learn a language that you already speak.Keep in mind that it does involve you teaching others, and it may not be the most ideal solution for busy people.


13. SpanishDict

Useful for: Validating definitions of new words you learn

SpanishDict, as the name mentions, focuses on translations solely for Spanish. By focusing on one language, it allows them to focus on better quality translation services, including conjugations, examples, and phrases when you search a word.

14. FluentU

Useful for: Learning via video format

FluentU is a Netflix for languages that combines various videos in Spanish, French, German, and other popular languages. It cater for beginners, intermediates, and advanced learners who may find learning via video format more effective for them.


15. Rype

Useful for: Finding quality private teachers at an affordable price

We couldn’t resist mentioning our company Rype, as one of the best Spanish learning apps out there. For first time visitors, Rype is a monthly membership offering daily private language lessons with fully vetted professional teachers online. Our powerful booking features allow you to book lessons anytime of the day, any day of the week. Best of all, it only takes up 30 minutes of your day, offering quality for less time and money.While we offer more languages today, we should mention that the first language we launched with was Spanish!

Find any of these Spanish learning apps useful? Share it out with a friend or two! Once you've done that, we can discover the most common Spanish words (one of the biggest language hacks out there).

Chapter List

1. Why Learn Spanish?

2. Where to Learn Spanish?

3. Spanish Blogs

4. Spanish Podcasts

5. Spanish Youtube Channels

6. Free Spanish Apps

7. Most Common Spanish Words

8. Spanish Exercises

9. Spanish Lessons

10. Spanish For Kids

11. Spanish For Business

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