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10 Valuable Language Exchanges That Are Proven to Work

A language exchange — online or in-person — is an excellent way to connect with real native speakers in your local city. These are the best ones to use.

A language exchange — online or in-person — is an excellent way to connect with real native speakers or interact with fellow language lovers in your local city. With event websites like Meetup.com and language exchanges available online, there’s no shortage of connecting with people that can join you along your journey.We often share that learning a language successfully has as much to do with accountability as putting in the time to practice, and the two often go together. To help you save time, we’ve curated the top language exchanges to use. 

In-person Language exchange


1. Couchsurfing

Without question one of the coolest ways to learn a new language, Couchsurfing is a network that connects travelers with, well, couches! Traveling to Spain? France? The Sahara Desert? There are people living there who open their homes to travelers for free! Spend a night or two with your new friends and they’ll have you speaking their native language in no time!



2. Meetup.com

Meetup has over 3,000 language exchange groups throughout the world with over 2 million members! A fantastic way to meet people in your community who have the same language learning goals as you do.



3. Eventbrite

Eventbrite allows you to search for organizations in your community offering free and paid language classes. A great place to look for local, professional language learning options.



4. Polyglot Club

The Polyglot Club is a social network site with both online and offline capabilities. Regardless of skill level, location, or language, there is a place for you here!



5. Internation

With groups in over 390 cities, an Internation’s group is the place to visit if you’re moving to a new city with a foreign language. From the time you decide to move, until you’re settled in (and beyond!) there are people here to guide you through the process and your new city.



6. Mundo Lingo

Mundo Lingo was founded in 2011 by a British native who moved to Argentina. Now in 13 countries, it offers locals the ability to learn new languages while teaching their native language to newcomers! 

Online Language Exchange & Forums


1. Reddit subreddit

Reddit is a social platform offering users the ability to connect with people across the world, and there are thousands online looking to share their knowledge. Speak French, and want to improve your Swedish? There is likely someone looking for the same thing in reverse! Users decide how to learn together; WhatsApp, Skype, and email are a few ways people choose to converse.



2. Stackexchange

A question and answer site where you can ask questions to professional linguists. Not for the faint of heart, questions like “what is an example of a language or dialect that contains triphthongs?” are pretty common.



3. Fluentin3months

A versatile site, Fluent in 3 Months has a language exchange that allows users to post questions and offer advice to other language learners. Need some resources for learning Spanish grammar? Have some helpful tips you’d like to share? There are plenty of people using this site to offer encouragement and help!



4. HiNative

HiNative is a free app that connects language learners with native speakers from around the world. Ask questions about pronunciation, how to say a specific sentence in another language, or get grammar clarification- then go ahead and help others who are learning your language!


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