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English Podcasts

Podcasts may be an excellent option for learning English. Here we list some of our favorite English podcasts and some helpful tips to get started!

In the last chapter, we went over the best blogs to help you learn English. Next up? English Podcasts! The most common learning styles are visual, physical, verbal and auditory. If you fall into the last category, podcasts may be an excellent option for learning English. People who learn best when listening can generally absorb information without having to see it firsthand, making this a great tool for people on the go. Turn that 30 minute commute to work each morning into your English practice, or tune in while you run on the treadmill to exercise your mind and body at the same time!Below we list some of our favorite podcasts for learning English, and some helpful tips to get started!

Better At English

English podcasts

Lori loves helping learners better understand English, and it really shows! Her podcast discusses things that happen in real life, and hope to be an authentic and interesting alternative to the sometimes dry lessons we’ve become accustomed to.

Splendid Speaking

English podcasts

Designed for advanced students, there are over 80 podcasts available and they feature non-native English speakers having conversations, making presentations, and a myriad of other activities. Each lesson follows with feedback on the speaker's performance.

6 Minute English

English podcasts

Published by BBC, these podcasts are delivered weekly and discuss real-life situations, such as animal phobias and women's right to vote. Very interesting!

Podcasts in English

English podcasts

With over 400 podcasts available, Podcast’s in English offers lessons for learners over all levels- the coolest part being lessons for people looking to improve their business speaking skills!

The English We Speak

Another great resource from BBC, these lessons come in 3 minute clips, and who doesn’t have time for that?!Now that we’ve listed some of our favorite English podcasts for you, we wanted to help you prepare to actually listen to them!

  1. Download the podcast application on your phone: If you have an iPhone, it should be automatically be downloaded already. If you have an Android, you can go to the Google Play Store and type in ‘podcast’ as the keyword, and you’ll have a range of podcast apps to choose from. (Our favorites are Stitcher and Soundcloud.)
  1. Choose 1-2 podcasts (maximum 2): Yes, there is such thing as podcast overload. You should do some research upfront to determine which type of podcasts fit your learning style.
  1. Pick the first episode based on what you’re currently struggling with: You want to make sure you’re reaping immediate benefits. This is how you can ‘trick’ your brain to keep coming back for more.
  1. Enjoy learning on-the-go!

Ready to keep reading? Check out Chapter 5, where we review some of our favorite YouTube channels.[mashshare]

Chapter List

1. Why Learn English? 2. Where to Learn English?3. English Blogs4. English Podcasts5. English Youtube Channels6. Best English Learning Apps7. Most Common English Words8. English Exercises 9. English Lessons10. English For Kids11. English For Business

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