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20 Hilarious French Expressions That Parisians Love to Use

These French expressions are used by no one else in the world. They're hilarious expressions that you'll become addicted to use in your daily conversations.

There are French expressions that are used by Parisians that no one else in the world uses. They're clever, witty, and hilarious expressions that you'll become addicted to using in your daily conversations.

You see, the trick to sounding like a native speaker is not always perfecting your French vocabulary skills or knowing how to speak French. It can also be done by using expressions that they themselves use.

It's the major differentiator between someone who lives in France versus someone who was simply taught French. We can't promise that you'll become a Parisian right away, but this list of French expressions will set you on the right path.Ready to start sound like a real Parisian?

20 Hilarious French Expressions That Parisians Love

1. Sh*t you off

In French: Faire chier quelqu'un

Direct Translation in English: Piss you off

2. As dumb as a broom

In French: Être con comme un balai

Direct English Translation: Idiotic

3. To deal with your own onions

In French: Occupe-toi de tes oignons

Direct English Translation: To mind your own business

4. To put a rabbit

In French: Vous a posé un lapin

Direct English Translation: To stand someone up

5. To do a cold of duck

In French: Faire un froid de canard

Direct English Translation: To be very cold

6. Look for the woman

In French: Cherchez la femme

Direct English Translation: Man acting out of character (woman)

7. Bad quarter of an hour

In French: mauvais quart d’heure

Direct English Translation: Brief, but embarrassing experience

8. To have a cat in the throat

In French: avoir un chat dans la gorge

Direct English Translation: To have a frog in one's throat

9. To be on your 31

In French: Être sur son 31

Direct English Translation: That you are elegant

10. Farting sideways

In French: Avoir un pet de travers

Direct English Translation: To be grumpy

11. The French fry

In French: Avoir la patate

Direct English Translation: To be energized

12. Make a whole cheese about it

In French: En faire tout un fromage

Direct English Translation: To make a fuss about it

13. Have eyes bigger than your belly

In French: Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre

Direct English Translation: When you want to eat more than you can

14. To become a goat

In French: Devenir chêvre

Direct English Translation: To be driven mad

15.  To peddle in couscous

In French: Pédaler dans la semoule
Direct English Translation: To lose your composure, have trouble doing something

16. To cut hair in four ways

In French: Couper les cheveux en quatre

Direct English Translation: To make a task unnecessarily difficult

17. To pee in a violin

In French: Pisser dans un violon

Direct English Translation: To waste time on something futile

18. To poop a clock

In French: Chier une pendule

Direct English Translation: To get angry about something insignificant

19. To be at a piece of wood

In French: Être au taquet

Direct English Translation: To give your best

20. Oh, my cow!

In French: Ah, la vache!

Direct English Translation: Oh my god

Which of these French expressions was your favorite one? Share with us below, and let us know if we missed anything.

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