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10 of the Best Language Learning Tips For Beginners

Are you new to language learning? Not to worry. Follow these 10 best language learning tips to help you master any language.

Learning a new language can be challenging even for the seasoned veteran, yet alone the beginner. But if you’re starting your language learning journey, don’t despair, it's not as daunting as you think it is. If you follow the right approach and strategies you will master the language. Here are 10 of the best language learning tips to help.

Tip 1: Understand Why You Want to Learn a Language

language learning tips

Your “why” will help when you feel like quitting. It'll give you the motivation to forge ahead. A solid “why” like, “I’m traveling to Argentina next year and want to speak Spanish so that I can converse with locals and learn the culture”, will go further than, “I’m learning a new language because it’s a nice to have and a good addition to my CV.”

Tip 2: Set Specific Language Learning Goals

By setting your goals you'll be clear on what you want to achieve. Be specific about whether you want to write or speak the language, and over what time frame you want to achieve.As a new language learner set realistic time frames, based on your current lifestyle and commitments. If you set unrealistic deadlines you'll soon not meet them, and ultimately quit. Your goals are important because they will dictate what study materials you use and how much time to assign.

Tip 3: Choose the Right Content

Number three on our list of language learning tips is the choice of resources. Choose your language resources based on your interests. Don't read material in the foreign language about topics you're not interested in. Aside from the boredom, you'll lose motivation.So, if you’re a chef, study with recipes and articles about cooking in the foreign language. If you’re an avid sport's fan, watch sport on television in the foreign language.

Tip 4: Create Small New Language Learning Habits

Often we see our goals and try to do too much, too soon, and then quit. This isn't a race; it's a marathon. Be patient. Start with small easy tasks that you can complete daily without effort.These small steps add up and help create a new language learning habit. Creating such a habit is important because learning a language requires practice.Follow these five steps to create habits that stick:

  1. Choose a small new habit you want to create e.g. learn two new words of the language, daily.
  3. Select a language trigger; an existing habit, like brushing your teeth.
  5. Create a recipe: After I [insert current habit], I will [insert new habit].
  7. Reward yourself to reinforce the behavior.
  9. Replicate the process with other habits.

If you want to learn more about the above steps - that follow the process developed by BJ Fogg -, read: “How to Create a New Language Learning Habit That Sticks”.

Tip 5: Focus on The Common Words Used

While you're running a marathon, it doesn’t hurt to take a few shortcuts? Focusing on the most common words in a foreign language isn’t really a shortcut, it’s a smart way to learn any new language. It allows you to reach your goals quicker as certain words account for the majority of conversation in a foreign language. For example, 1000 of the most common Spanish words account for 88% of comprehension.

Tip 6: Review Your Learning Materials Often

It doesn’t matter what you learn, reviewing material implants it in your brain. So, number six of our language learning tips is to review your language learning material. For example, review the previous day's material before you start your new session. See what words you can recall from memory first, before refreshing those you can’t.

Tip 7: Immerse Yourself

Okay, yes - everyone says this. It’s all over the internet. But, these wouldn’t be top language learning tips if I didn’t include it right? Immerse yourself by connecting with a native speaker. If you have a friend who speaks the language you want to speak even better. If not use language apps to connect with those speakers. Additionally, you can also use find an online tutor.

Tip 8: Don’t be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Speak the language at every opportunity. If you see a foreigner in your city, engage them. Chat with your friends. Practice with yourself.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone who's learned a language before has made countless mistakes. If you come across any haters, remember: you are bettering yourself and will be fluent in the future. They, however, will remain where they are.

Tip 9: Choose a Learning Method That Works for You

When you studied during high-school and university you no doubt had a study method that worked for you? Maybe it involved lots of visuals? Perhaps you preferred talking to yourself? Or maybe you were one of those who used cue cards (and still does). Ultimately, everyone is different, so decide what works for you.

Tip 10: Change Your Environment

Finally, your environment is also important when learning a foreign language. Ever noticed how you study better in certain environments? I know from personal experience that I enjoy moving from one environment to the next; I sometimes work in my room before shifting to a coffee shop.

A change in scenery often boosts productivity. Sometimes you don’t even need to change the environment - only your immediate work-space. I tend to move from my desk to the couch and bed (yes I’m comfortable writing from my bed and I'm actually doing that as I write this post).

Wrapping it Up

Learning a new language needn’t be daunting. Follow the above 10 language learning tips and you'll soon master that new language. Whatever it may be.

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