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6 Straightforward Strategies for Work-Life Balance

Most of us would like a better work-life balance, but it often seems impossible. Where do we even begin? Find out with these straightforward strategies!

Achieving work-life balance is harder to do in some cultures than in others. European countries tend to hold it as a priority and make rules to help facilitate a healthy balance between work and the rest of life. Many other countries around the world, however, prioritize work above all else. Having lived in the United States for the majority of my life, I feel confident when I say that many Americans have difficulty achieving this balance.So, what exactly is work-life balance? While the hours spent doing any one thing will vary by person, the main idea does not change. Having balance means having enough time and energy to do your work, take care of personal responsibilities, spend time with loved ones, enjoy your hobbies, and still get enough sleep to function the next day.After reading the definition, how do you feel about your own work-life balance? Do you have enough time and energy for all of these things? If not, it is okay. Here are some straightforward things that you can do to help bring your life into balance.

6 Straightforward Strategies for Work-Life Balance

1. Start with sleep

This may seem strange and counter-intuitive, but it all starts with sleep. We have all heard of ‘getting your beauty sleep’, but sleep helps with more than just physical appearance. If you get enough sleep, you will be more productive, make better decisions, remember more, and be able to learn more easily. You will also have more energy and be in a better mood. The consequences of insufficient sleep are many and they interfere with your ability to be your best. In the short term, not getting enough sleep can leave you unproductive at work due to hampered judgement and perception. This can cause you to make more errors. In the long term, it can lead to sickness, among other things.Your body needs to sleep. This is the way it recharges itself. But how much sleep do you actually need? Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast answer. Eight hours of sleep used to be the standard, and it has been recommended that adults get 7-9 hours each night. So how much sleep to you need? You will have to figure that out by trial and error, if you haven't already. Pay attention to how you feel after sleeping for 6, 7 or 8 hours on any given night. The number of hours that you need to recharge is as individual as you are. Just make sure you are sleeping enough to feel energized and alert but not so much (or so little) that you feel groggy and dazed all day.

2. Keep work separate

Have you ever seen Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood? Do you remember how he used to come in the door and change into a sweater and sneakers? Changing clothes is a great way to transition from work to home at the end of the day. It helps you keep them separated and this is important in creating a work-life balance.Now, I know it is hard, but leave your work at work. Don’t look at your work emails during your off hours. Whatever it is can wait until the morning. Do whatever it takes for you to mentally be at home when you are there physically. Change clothes, have a 5 o’clock martini, take the dog for a walk - it doesn’t matter what you choose, just have something to signal to your brain that you are done with work for the day.

3. Get organized

Sometimes, our lives get so out of balance that we need to start by getting everything under control. Are there tasks and chores that you have been putting off so long that they have now piled up into an overwhelming mountain shadowing all of your days? It is OK! You can get over it by getting organized. Organization and time management go hand in hand. There are many different tools that you can use to help you get organized. I personally use a Bullet Journal. For me, this is the best tool because it is an actual physical book that I can create and carry around. I get tired of looking at a screen all day and there is something about writing with a pen that typing at a keyboard just can’t match. Whether you use the Bullet Journal or a different method, use it to make a to-do list of all the things you NEED to do. Things like home repairs, spring cleaning, taxes, etc. Make a schedule and plan it out realistically. Don’t try to cram 6 things into one day if you know you don’t have the stamina to get them done. Part of achieving work-life balance is setting realistic work and life goals. Making a to-do list is one thing, but actually getting the things done is quite another. If you are having trouble with productivity, check out the Pomodoro technique. You essentially work on a chosen task for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. After two hours of this, you take a 20 minute break. I love this technique because the balance is built right in! Taking breaks keeps you from burning out and gives your mind time to rest. This in turn will help you be more productive while doing tasks.

4. Decide what you want to do, but aren’t doing

We all dream about having the time to pursue a passion. It could be learning to dance, becoming fluent in another language, or being able to read all afternoon on Sundays. Whatever it is that you wish you could do, but aren't doing, DO IT! Don’t make excuses, like we all do - I am too tired, don’t have time, or feel too guilty because there is so much else to do. I have heard them all and used them all! But when I just started doing what I enjoy anyway, I began to feel happier and it shows in my work, with my friends, and with my family. I am able to give more to these other things because I take the time to do things that I enjoy, even if they benefit only me. On the flip side, are there things you are doing that you don’t really need or want to do? Do you engage in any of these time wasting habits? Take inventory of all the things you do that interfere with your ability to do what you truly want to do. Maybe put down the video game controller or your phone and spend that time learning how to play guitar or starting a garden.

5. Make room for downtime

I know we just talked about making time to do the things you want to do, and now I talk about taking time to do nothing! Downtime is not a waste of time. In fact, during downtime, we are able to be creative and come up with solutions to problems. Think you are too busy for downtime? You may want to reconsider. Your brain needs to take breaks, just like your body does, and allowing it downtime leads to increased productivity, better ability to pay attention, and enhanced creativity and memory. It is essential to work-life balance because it actually helps us do the work part more effectively.

6. Be present

Whatever it is that you are doing at any moment, make sure to be fully there. If you are at work, stay focused on work. Letting your mind wander to thinking about what you are going to have for dinner will only interfere with your ability to work efficiently. Thinking about work during family game night turns something that should be fun into a chore. You can get the most out of life by fully experiencing all of the moments and activities that it is made up of. Be present and fully aware by taking in the experience through all 5 senses. Pay attention to what you see, hear, smell, feel and possibly taste. This will help you fully live in the moment.

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